During the initial ten days of Dhul Hijjah, many of us devote extra time to Dhikr, Salah, and giving Sadaqah. We all aim to make the most of these holy days. That’s why we introduce My Ten Days, a tool allowing you to automate your charitable contributions during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.

This enables you to focus on Ibadah and your personal time with Allah (SWT). With your Sadaqah and Zakat managed, you’ll never overlook giving during the ten most blessed days of Dhul Hijjah!

 How does it function?

Setting up your donations is incredibly simple – just launch ‘My Ten Days’ by clicking the button above and begin. It involves only three straightforward steps:

  1. Select your cause (Gaza Emergency Appeal)
  2. Set up your donations
  3. Finalise your transaction

And there you have it! You can now relax knowing your donations will be processed automatically, ensuring you don’t miss out on giving during the sacred days of Dhul Hijjah.


Fundraise with us

Use our JustGiving page to raise funds for the project of your choice. Click the button or get in contact for more information.

Since 1984

We have been serving humanity for over 35 years. A great number of lives have been saved via your donations.

100% Transparency

We check on all of our projects regularly, ensuring every project embarked upon is implemented according to funding directives.

Local Partners

We use locally registered partners who have ground presence, to guarantee the aid reaches those in need.

Let’s be clear

100% Transparency

We at ISRA-UK are proud to speak about all our projects with complete clarity. Unfortunately there are costs involved with providing charity to any part of the world but we make sure that every penny given to a cause, contributes to the cause. If you would like further information please feel free to get in touch or alternatively view our policy by clicking the link below.

View full policy here

Let’s be clear

100% Transparency

We at ISRA-UK are proud to speak about all our projects with complete clarity. Unfortunately there are costs involved with providing charity to any part of the world but we make sure that every penny given to a cause, contributes to the cause. If you would like further information please feel free to get in touch or alternatively view our policy by clicking the link below.

View full policy here