Fundraise with us

Use our JustGiving page to raise funds for the project of your choice. Click the button or get in contact for more information.

below is a selection of projects that need your help

With your support, we tackle poverty by implementingWater, FoodOrphan, Planting Trees, Empowerment, Mosque, and Emergency Programs. We have worldwide projects helping impoverished communities in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Since 1984

We have been serving humanity for over 40 years. A great number of lives have been saved via your donations.

100% Transparency

We check on all of our projects regularly, ensuring every project is implemented according to funding directives.

Local Partners

We use locally registered partners who have ground presence, to guarantee the aid reaches those in need.

Get involved

Volunteer with us

Do you want to participate in making the world a better place? If so, then ISRA-UK can utilise your skills to ensure this change happens. Volunteering with us isn’t just fundraising and shop work – to find out more click the link below or alternatively get in touch.

Get involved

Volunteer with us

Do you want to participate in making the world a better place? If so, then ISRA-UK can utilise your skills to ensure this change happens. Volunteering with us isn’t just fundraising and shop work – to find out more click the link below or alternatively get in touch.