Fidyah is payable for a person who has become extremely weak due to an illness or old age, has no hope of recovery, and cannot fast. They must feed a deserving person twice a day or give the value of the meals.
Kaffarah is payable for a person who has broken a fast in Ramadhan without a valid reason and they are unable to fast for two months continuously with no break in between. They must feed 60 deserving people two meals a day per broken fast.
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The Prophet ﷺ said: “One is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbour goes hungry”
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We at ISRA-UK are proud to speak about all our projects with complete clarity. Unfortunately there are costs involved with providing charity to any part of the world but we make sure that every penny given to a cause, contributes to the cause. If you would like further information please feel free to get in touch or alternatively view our policy by clicking the link below.
Let’s be clear
100% Transparency
We at ISRA-UK are proud to speak about all our projects with complete clarity. Unfortunately there are costs involved with providing charity to any part of the world but we make sure that every penny given to a cause, contributes to the cause. If you would like further information please feel free to get in touch or alternatively view our policy by clicking the link below.