Yemen Malnutrition Appeal

Yemen has faced a humanitarian crisis for years, with malnutrition being one of the biggest challenges. Ongoing war, displacement, and a collapsing economy have severely limited access to food, medicine, and clean water. As a result, malnutrition rates, especially among children, are alarmingly high.

What ISRA-UK is doing

To address this crisis, ISRA-UK has launched a Malnutrition Project to provide medical and specialist feeding support to at-risk children in Yemen. Over six months, the programme offers regular medical checkups, nutritional supplements, and education on healthy eating. The goal is to bring these children to a healthy weight and improve their overall well-being.

The project has already helped many children in Yemen, but the need remains critical. Continued support is essential to reach more children and save lives.

By donating to ISRA-UK, you can directly support this life-saving initiative and ensure children receive the care they desperately need.

Every child deserves a chance at a healthier life.


  • A £100 donation will fund a child’s malnutrition treatment for one month in Yemen.
Donations are processed through our secure CAF portal

 Today in Yemen almost 2 million cases of children under the age of five are suffering from acute malnutrition, with over 300,000 suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

Only 15% of children are eating the minimum acceptable diet for survival, growth, and development.

The Situation

Yemen is facing life-threatening food shortages without help, affecting over 17 million people. The world’s worst cholera outbreak is transmitting through their water, and the country’s health system is nearing breakpoint.

What We’re Doing

ISRA-UK provides emergency hygiene kits, medicines, food, water aid, empowerment programs, and orphan sponsorships to families and front line medical staff.

The Results

Alhamdulilah, during the year 2023 you have helped a great number of people and counting. We have a strong presence on the ground with local partners. However, there are many more who need help, so please help us save lives by donating.

Fundraise with us

Want to raise money for a specific project? Start fundraising with our JustGiving page to help those in need.

Let’s be clear

100% Transparency

We at ISRA-UK are proud to speak about all our projects with complete clarity. Unfortunately there are costs involved with providing charity to any part of the world but we make sure that every penny given to a cause, contributes to the cause. If you would like further information please feel free to get in touch or alternatively view our policy by clicking the link below.

Let’s be clear

100% Transparency

We at ISRA-UK are proud to speak about all our projects with complete clarity. Unfortunately there are costs involved with providing charity to any part of the world but we make sure that every penny given to a cause, contributes to the cause. If you would like further information please feel free to get in touch or alternatively view our policy by clicking the link below.

View full policy here

View our other emergency appeals

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You can also donate any amount to our emergency fund. This will be allocated to where it’s most needed for our emergency projects specifically.

Donations are processed through our secure CAF portal