‘Whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection.’ (Bukhari)”


What is Sha’ban, and why is the 15th day important?


‘Sha’ban’ is the eighth month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar. It is also translated from Arabic as the “month of seperation”

Its significance has been strongly emphasised amongst Muslims according to the Sunnah, as a build up to Ramadan. Muslims are encouraged to prepare their mind, body and souls in this blessed month in preparation for Ramadan.

This month has been known to be referred to as the neglected months in several sayings from the Prophet Muhammed ﷺ falling between Rajab and Ramadan.

Within the month of Sha’ban, the 15th day is often viewed as a significant day of worship. It has been narrated that on this day, known as Shab-e-Barat, Allah (SWT) raises the deeds of his servants.

As a revered day for many Muslims, performing extra acts of sincere worship during this period is a rewarding. Some scholars do not believe that this particular day has any sort of significance from an Islamic perspective.

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